Thursday 19 May 2016

On 17:26:00 by Unknown in

The industry, specially IT has seen a tremendous growth during the last decade. It employed around five lakh employees in 1999 and today, it directly employs twenty five lakh employees. Also, the indirect employment attributed to IT & ITES sector, is approximately 80 lakh. As per NASSCOM, the workforce in Indian IT industry is expected to touch 3 crore by 2020. This year, there is a plan to recruit nearly 2.5 lakh engineering graduates from various campuses. For example, TCS plans to add 60,000 workers this year. Infosys plans to hire around 45,000 people this year. Similarly, Cognizant recruited 25,000 professionals last year and plans to hire a similar number of engineering graduates this year also. In addition to Indian IT firms, global giants like IBM, Accenture and HP, also have plans to hire in large numbers in India.This requirement of IT companies can be fulfilled by two different methods. In the first method, companies can reach out to the vast pool of talent through advertisements in newspapers. In this method, the prospective candidates approach the companies. This method may be particularly useful, if the number of job vacancies is less. When the number of vacancies is high, this method is time consuming. The other more proactive approach by the organization is to directly visit the campuses and recruit the candidates from those campuses. This method is referred to as Campus Recruitment. In this method, both the organizations and the prospective candidates come to a common platform. This common platform provides excellent opportunities to the companies to interact with the talented students who are ever enthusiastic and extremely motivated and who are willing to go that extra mile to prove themselves. For a student, this system provides a smooth path to enter the job market straight from the campuses