Thursday 19 May 2016

On 15:44:00 by Unknown in

When is the aptitude test?

The test is generally conducted in May every year.

What is pattern of the test? 
  • It will be a Multiple Choice Objective, Paper & pencil (OMR based) test.

  • It will have 100 questions in all, with 4 marks awarded for a correct answer and a penalty of 1 mark for a wrong answer.

  • The duration of the test will be 2 hours.

What is tested in the Aptitude Test?

The syllabus would be of the Secondary/X Std/Equivalent and have the following two sections:

1.Analytical Ability – Algebra, Arithmetic, Data Analysis, Geometry, Logical Reasoning, Modern Mathematics

2.Written and Verbal Ability – Verbal Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Errors in Usage etc