Thursday 19 May 2016

On 01:56:00 by Unknown in

Posts have been placed in two groups, Group – B and Group - C . The pay scale for the posts under Group - B is Rs​ ​9300 – Rs​ ​34800 and for Group - C it is R​​s​ ​5200 to Rs​ ​20200. Postshave been categorised into two groups based on the pay scale and the papers in Tier -II.
Post​s​ ​under Group B :
  1. Assistant : For Ministry, Department or Office of - Central Vigilance Commission, Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), AFHQ, other Ministries / department / organisations
  2. Assistant Section Officer :​ In office of Central Secretariat Service.​
  3. Inspector: For CBDT, CBEC, CBI, Depatrment of Post and Central Bureau of Narcotics
  4. SI in CBI, NIA​
  5. Assistant Enforcement Officer in Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue
  6. Divisional Accountant: For Offices under CAG
  7. Statistical Investigator Group II: For Minstry of Statistics and Program Implementation
  8. Assistant Audit Officer :​ ​For Indian Audit & Accounts Department under CAG
Post​s​ under Group C:
  1. Auditor: Offices under C & AG, CGDA, CGA and others
  2. Accountant / Junior Accountant​​: Offices under C & AG, CGA and others, Central Govt. Offices and Ministries
  3. Tax Assistant: CBDT, CBEC
  4. Compiler: Registrar General of India
  5. Sub Inspector: Central Bureau of Narcotics​​